Friday, 2 September 2016

Sivanar Vembu | Sivanar Vembu (English: Indigo, Sanskrit: Sivanimba ) Medicinal Benefits And Uses

Sivanar Vembu(English: Indigo, Sanskrit: Sivanimba, Malayalam: Manali, Kannada: Sivamballi ) Benfits And Uses

Sivanar vembu is one of the amazing herbs that can be found any where in India.  Siddhars have found some wonderful benefits of this particular herbal. These plant is available in a power form in almost all tamil medicine shops. Tamil medicine shops can be found any where in Tamil nadu. Mostly these shops are densely populated around temple areas.

Benefits and Medicinal Uses Of Sivanar Vembu

Sivanar Vembu Chooranam (Sooranam) can be used to treat skin related diseases.

In my personal experience,  I realized that Sivanar Vembu is a magical medicine for teeth (tooth) related issues. You can use the Sivanar Vembu powder with water to get rid of any sort of tooth related pains.

How To Use Sivanar Vembu

Take a glass of water. And heat it mildly or even to the saturation point. Once the water is heated pour it in a glass and put a teaspoon powder of Sivanar Vembu. After that drink it and make sure the essence stays near the affected area. After 20 to 30 minutes you will will some sense of relief. Do it daily at least for 10 days and toothache will never ever occur to you again.

Sivanar Vembu As a Tooth Powder

Sometimes it is better to use Sivanar Vembu as a tooth powder. The good thing about sivanar vembu is it is not bitter in taste, so you can even give to small kids. 

Where To Get Sivanar Vembu

Sivanar Vembu is available in all Tamil Medicine (Siddha) shops. There are some people selling this precious and cost effective medicine via online too.

You can consult the near by qualified Siddha doctors for proper medications and guidance.

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